Each game is 2-20 minute running time halves. 5 Minute Halftime, 5 Minutes in between games. All teams should be warmed up and ready to take the field for the next game. There will be one central horn used for all timing. 1 horn to signify the beginning of the game. 1 horn to signify the beginning and end of halftime. 1 horn to signify the end of the game. NO timeouts AT ALL. We will play NFHS Rules All teams are guaranteed 5 games. All penalties will be kept by the officials on the field. All penalties are 1 minute in length. All penalties begin on the official restart. Scoring: There will be a flip chart and score sheet on all fields. Officials will record the scores and coaches will sign off on them. Coaches are responsible to change the flip charts. All official scores will be kept at tournament headquarters. UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR IS NOT TOLERATED BY ANY PLAYER OR SPECTATOR. IF THERE ARE ANY EJECTIONS FROM A GAME, THAT PLAYER IS NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TOURNAMENT!